Francie and Kayla’s Pups Are 4 Weeks Old

by Margaret on September 18, 2012

There is sooooooo much happening here at A Family Farm!

All of our puppies have met their official new families! Please check our Facebook page for TONS of photos!

All the puppies checked every inch of their new place!

We have moved all 11 puppies OUT of our bedroom and INTO our kitchen where they can all play together!  The puppies get exposed to all the household noises so they feel comfortable when they go to their new homes.

The puppies pile up inside the crate. They can watch all the big dogs and even catch a little tv with us!

We put a blanket over the back end of the crate to keep the puppies out of a draft.

Sammy and Gracie eat their dinner while the puppies watch.

They have all started eating food!

They all LOVED the food! It is baby cereal and cottage cheese. Yummy!


 Two large pans work! They dive into the food!

Mr. Green stayed in the dish to the very end!

Mr. Blue and Mr. Red fell asleep in one of the empty dishes!

They have figured out that they only sleep inside the crate and do everything else, outside of the crate. We have very smart puppies here!


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