Moving Day, Puppy Food and Cousins

by Margaret on August 29, 2023

The last few days have been action packed for Gemma’s pups.


After eating lunch, Ms. Purple and Ms. Turquoise decided to stay in the food dish.


My granddaughters put Ms. Pink and Mr. Yellow to bed. It didn’t last very long.


Mr. Green and Ms. Pink are VERY curious!


Ms. Pink is a little darker than her two sisters. Beautiful coat.


Mr. Blue went in the swimming pool briefly.


This is the outside play area for Gemma’s puppies.

Aunt Bella is watching from the rock wall.


Gemma was making sure the puppies were safe in the pool.


That was fun outside!!


After getting wet, these two got warmed up in a cushy towel.


Several of the puppies had been escaping on a regular basis,

so we moved everyone into their new digs last Thursday.


Gemma made sure all the pups were settling in. She is an amazing mom!


Gemma’s pups have been getting lots of hugs and kisses.


Another happy customer.


It is in our living room where the pups will be with every person, dog, sound and experience that happens.


Gemma will still go in with her pups when she wants to.


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We have our colors

by Margaret on August 17, 2023


20230816_194620  20230816_194608








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Gemma Babies Are Growing!

by Margaret on August 9, 2023


“Mom is in the house!” They all race over to get a drink!

One was stuck for a second.


The pink foot pads are turning black.


“Hurry up you two. All the good seats will be taken.”


Their noses were pink but they are turning black.

20230809_074802Gemma’s puppies are a very busy group. They will be 2 weeks old on Friday.

There are 2 yellow boys available.


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Gemma Has 8 New Puppies

by Margaret on July 30, 2023

Everyone, including Gemma, are sleeping. Maybe not everyone….


Gemma is busy with her 8 babies.

They were born Friday, July 28, 2023.


We have 7 yellows and 1 black.

20230728_150900Gemma is constantly feeding and cleaning.20230728_182124

20230728_194638Gemma is a happy momma!

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Ms. Purple Would Love To Meet You

by Margaret on July 10, 2023

Purple CC

Ms. Purple is full of love to share!

She is 11 weeks old and ready to be the Star of the Show!

We have been able to have her going in the car with us and loving it.

She has had her second set of puppy shots now.

Purple DD with family

This is Ms. Purple with 2 of her littermates before they left.

Purple AA

Ms. Purple is smart, full of confidence and curious about everything.

She is 99% house trained and sleeping through the night.

She is crate trained and very social with our adult dogs.

Purple BB

Please give us a call and we can give you LOTS more information on this beauty!

Ms. Purple has been given soo much extra attention from our family

and her own momma, Stella and grandmom, Indie.

This makes for a very well-adjusted young Labrador to bring into your home.

Purple EE

If you have an older Labrador

they will most likely love having their own little “trainee”.



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We’re Having Fun!

by Margaret on June 3, 2023

Stella and Luna puppies are having fun!

We are going outside and there are a few very select pups available.

Stella 6-3ii How can this be comfortable? They all do it.

Stella 6-3jj “Someone” is giving these puppies some special one on one time.

Stella 6-3ll Two of Stella’s pups.

Stella 6-3-hh Stella’s pups are in their new apartment

where they are able to run around more!

Stella 6-3GG

Stella’s pups are able to go outside when weather permits.

Stella 6-3AA

Loving the fresh air.

Stella 6-3CC We give them lots of attention.

Luna 6-3EE One of Luna’s pups getting lots of love.

Luna 6-3DD Ms. Purple from Luna is available.

Luna 6-3-23 AA Outside dining for Luna’s litter.

Luna -3CC Fresh air makes puppies sleepy.

Luna 6-3GG Look at this cutie!

Luna pups n crate dd Luna still wants to be with her babies.



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Puppies Start Eating Food!

by Margaret on May 25, 2023

Luna and Stella puppies are 4 weeks old now.

They have started eating puppy food and

sleeping in their new digs.

Luna pups in crate bb

This is where they will get lots more exercise and be able to run around and build up those muscles.

Luna pups in crate aa

These yellow sisters are spoken for.

Luna 1G

Luna pups in crate

There are a few black puppies

waiting to meet their Perfect Family.

Luna 1F

Nap time is cuddle time.

Luna 1C

We give our puppies lots of one on one time.

Luna 1E

There is a big dish of food in the middle!

Luna 1B

Oops. We might need seconds!

Luna 1A

Down to the last drop!

Luna pups n crate dd

Luna is still enjoying feeding her pups

whenever they want a drink.



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Almost 3 weeks Old!

by Margaret on May 15, 2023

Stella babies 5-16-23 cc


Stella babies 5-16-23


Stella babies 5-16-23 bb

Stella babies 5-16-23 aaStella 5-14-23B

Stella 5-14-23C

Stella ‘s pups celebrated Mother’s Day with their mom.


Stella 5-14-23E


Stella 5-14-23D


Luna’s Puppies were also celebrating with Mom.
Luna 5-14-23C

This is the first litter for both moms and they are doing great!

Luna 5-14-23E

It is amazing how maternal these Labradors are.

Luna 5-14-23D

Luna 5-14-23A


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Luna and Stella Puppy Updates

by Margaret on May 4, 2023

STELLAStella and babies ff

Stella’s big brother and sister are very experienced Labrador owners.

Stella and babies hh

The pink noses are starting to turn black.

Stella and babies gg


This is the BEST!!!Stella and babies bb

Stella and babies aa

Proud momma, Stella likes to get a good stretch in when she is not feeding babies.

Stella and babies ee

Stella’s pups make their own patterns. It changes constantly.

LUNALuna and babies bb

Luna’s litter always stay close together.

Luna and babies eeLuna is getting her first check up from her big sister.

Luna and babies ff

Luna and babies dd Luna has two big sisters who are also

very experienced Labrador owners.

All of the children are supervised at all times.

Luna and babies aa



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Luna and Stella Are New Mommies!

by Margaret on April 27, 2023

Luna is busy with six beautiful and healthy puppies born Monday, April 24.
Luna pups GG

Luna pups FF Luna pups EE

Luna will be busy for the next four weeks feeding, cleaning and kissing her puppies.


Luna pups BB Luna’s human big sisters are already making sure

all the puppies are doing well.

Luna pups AA






Stella’s puppies were born Wednesday, April 26.

She has 8 puppies.

Stella pups DD

Stella started her day with her first black puppy.
Stella pups GG

“Uncle Foster” took a quick look at the first few puppies.

He knew they were special, but Stella told him to leave.

Stella pups CC Stella kept counting her new puppies.

Stella pups FFThe numbers kept growing as the day progressed.
Stella pups EE Time for a rest now.

The next 4 weeks will have Stella totally involved.

She will also be busy cleaning, feeding and kissing those beauties.

Stella pups BB

It’s always incredible how their instincts kick in

and they just KNOW what to do.

Stella is very much in charge of her pups.

Stella pups AA

Stella also has human caretakers to make sure

all the puppies are where they should be.

The sweet voice that we are hearing is saying “Gentle” “Gentle”.




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