Ms. Tilley’s Adventures on Nantucket

by Margaret on June 5, 2018

Tilly MM

 Ms. Tilley has grown since we saw her last.

She lives on Nantucket with her mom and dad.

We know she is having a blast!

Tilly and mommy

 Tilley and her mom, Gracie Clementine.

Tilley was the smallest puppy and we all fell in love with her.

Tilly OO

 This is Tilley when she was still living at A Family Farm

with all her littermates.

Tilly NN

 Tilley gets lots of love and lots of adventures.

Tilly on the plane

Ms. Tilley on the airplane.

She is earning her frequent flier miles from Nantucket to the Cape.

Tilley’s mom takes her for lots of walks and they work on everything together.

Tilly on the ferry

Ms. Tilley on the ferry from Nantucket to the Cape.

She is very well-behaved and is always being fussed over.

Tilly DD

 Look at Tilley go!

She has a French Bulldog who is trying to keep up with her.  Tilly KK

 Tilley is still in the lead!

Tilly HH

 Silly Tilley!

Tilly JJ

 Tilley has her own “Crew” to run with and play games with.

Looks like they are all around the same age.

Tilly II

 Tilley and one of her buddies coming home nice and tired.

Ready for a big drink of water.

Tilly EE
Tilly FF

 Tilley and her buddy have their eyes on “something” out there in front of them.

Tilly AA

“Maybe I could bring this back home with me?”


Tilley’s adventures will continue.

We will share her photos as she grows into the beautiful Labrador we see she is becoming.

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