Labradors Love Snow!
We have received so many photos
from our A Family Farm Labrador families.
Sit back and enjoy them.
Daisy really stands out beautifully!
Daisy is Annie’s daughter.
Mickey waits patiently for the snow to be cleared. He is Daisy’s brother.
Can I come in now? Mickey loves the snow! Annie is his mom.
Sophie loves her Frisbee and the snow! Francie Pants is her mom.
Mason is another snow loving Labrador.
Strider gets a big brother to play in the snow! Jeannie is Strider’s mom.
Sonny is one of Kayla’s boys.
Gypsy, Sammy and Gracie are soooo happy it is snowing!
Gypsy, Sammy and Gracie with the flying ears!
Francie Pants says “Ahhhhhhh, snow!”
Jack and Laila Clementine
Below are Jack and Laila, who are also from Francie Pants and are 2 years apart.
Jack is racing through the snow tunnel he made!
Laila Clementine is definitely in her favorite season!
Sterling Cooper
Cooper has a long deep trail to follow! Looks like the plow did not come yet.
Cooper is sitting next to the snow his dad just dug out. It is over his head!
Moose and his big brother during the storm.
Moose is always up for the game.
Jeannie and Lily
Jeannie and her daughter Lily have a custom-built tunnel!
Lily is checking the street from the snow pile.
Jeannie is taking a break near the front door.
Jeannie and Lily are at the top of the snow with their dad.
Duke stayed inside during the snow storm.
Duke staying warm.
Goose and Charlie
Goose and his sister, Charlie racing around their yard.
Goose and his little sister, Charlie stay together.
Kayla is their mom. They are from two different litters.
Goose and his sister Charlie are loving this snow!