Sammy’s Pups Start Eating Puppy Food
by Margaret on July 18, 2017
All of Sammy’s pups love their new puppy food!
We put warm water in it to soften the food and give them more liquids.

Ms. Pink and Mr. Green have this dish all to themselves for now.

Ms. Purple had enough. She is heading off to take a nap now.

Hey, move over, this looks like a good place to sleep.

How many puppies can we get in one food dish?
Pretty soon one puppy will not even fit!

Ms. Orange is very comfortable up side down.

Sammy gets to come in and clean up anything that is left behind.

Everyone loves it when mom comes in!

Ms. Pink climbs into the puppy bed to get a drink and take a nap.

Sammy loves the puppy bed for herself!

They fall asleep in the strangest positions.

Mr. Blue is dreaming about puppy stuff.

Mr. Green and Ms. Yellow like snuggling while they nap.