Jeannie’s Pups Start Real Food!
by Margaret on May 6, 2013

Jeannie’s puppies are loving their new food experience!
They are eating Gerber baby cereal and cottage cheese just like Annie’s puppies.

There’s not an empty spot at this dish!
The cereal will get them slowly ready for puppy food
and also give their mom a little rest.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm that was GREAT!!!!

Hey there! We are moving to our new place today!
This whelping box is too small and we need room to play.
The puppies are moving to a new part of the house with easy access to the outside.

Love this face!

Lily gives her little brother Mr. Blue a kiss.
She is going to be the official “babysitter”
for all of Jeannie’s 8 puppies and she can’t wait!