Brodie’s Blog

by Margaret on January 18, 2025

Brodie’s Blog

January 17, 2025

Brodie really is a good boy. He just does bad things sometimes……

This week my little sister, Bella turned 5 years old and my niece, Gemma turned 5 years old.

We had cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday. Everyone loves a good party!!

It was chaos as usual, so Mom could not take a video of us getting our cupcakes. Our dad used to hand out the cupcakes and Mom would make a video. He made sure we all got at least one and sometimes two cupcakes.

Tonight there were a few extra cupcakes and because I am so tall, I kind of got up higher and stole a few extras. Nothing happened. I didn’t get in trouble.

We had a good time and put a few photos on our Facebook page. We share a lot of photos on the A Family Farm Labrador page. And the puppy families share their own photos so we can see.





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