Brodie’s Blog
Brodie’s Blog March 3, 2025
Brodie’s Blog
March 3, 2025
Brodie really is a good boy. He just does bad things sometimes……
Lots of stuff is happening at A Family Farm. I have been busy being “The Babysitter” with all of the grandkids coming for sleepovers. I love when they come!
Because I stay very, very still on the bed, I am allowed to sleep with the grandkids in the guest room. They love ME. They know there can’t be any monsters under the bed if I am with them.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner I am only a few inches away. There’s usually one or two who are eating and forget that I am ready to snag any kind of food that is not actually in their mouth.
Mom tries to warm them again and again, but they are busy having fun and I am “on the job”. Yum!
I heard Mom talking about puppies coming! Bailey and Gemma will be having pups soon.
Please give us a call if you are interested. When you come to my house I will entertain you.
Brodie’s Blog
Brodie’s Blog
January 17, 2025
Brodie really is a good boy. He just does bad things sometimes……
This week my little sister, Bella turned 5 years old and my niece, Gemma turned 5 years old.
We had cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday. Everyone loves a good party!!
It was chaos as usual, so Mom could not take a video of us getting our cupcakes. Our dad used to hand out the cupcakes and Mom would make a video. He made sure we all got at least one and sometimes two cupcakes.
Tonight there were a few extra cupcakes and because I am so tall, I kind of got up higher and stole a few extras. Nothing happened. I didn’t get in trouble.
We had a good time and put a few photos on our Facebook page. We share a lot of photos on the A Family Farm Labrador page. And the puppy families share their own photos so we can see.
Brodie’s Blog January 15, 2025
Brodie’s Blog
January 15, 2025
Brodie really is a good boy. He just does bad things sometimes……
Sometimes Mom lets me drink the last bits of her coffee or her milk. That means I am not ALWAYS in trouble.
She always forgives me and I know she loves me cuz she kisses and hugs me all the time.
This morning started out like almost every morning. We all woke up around 5am and went outside. If Mom tries to sleep late one of us usually fakes a good Barfing sound and she jumps right out of bed! It works every time.
I was doing pretty good until Mom decided to make some toast. She put two slices of bread into the toaster but did not push the handle down because she was trying to make eggs at the same time.
When she turned around to get something I could not help myself. I took both slices and ate them!
Boy is she mad at me. Gotta go.
Brodie’s Blog
Brodie’s Blog
January 13, 2025
Brodie really is a good boy. He just does bad things sometimes……
Hi Everyone,
Today is my first try at blogging. I am a 9 year old English Labrador and have soooooooo many stories to tell!
My mom is on the computer right now, so I am just thinking about how to do this. She handles our website and everyone has heard about me. Mom actually has to type this for me because my feet are too big for the computer.
A Family Farm Labradors is the website mom handles. She adds the words and the photos. We are Labrador breeders in Connecticut.
That’s enough about my mom. This blog is about ME! Brodie Good Boy of A Family Farm. Everything is about Me.
Mom says we are having a “Staff Meeting”. Gotta go! More tomorrow!
Mr. Green Has Found His Forever Family!
Mr. Green is 8 weeks old this week.
He and his littermates all had a thorough vet exam
and their first set of puppy shots.
All the AKC paperwork is ready for him to go to his new Forever Home.
He let us dress him up so everyone can see how sweet he is.
Mr. Green was having a quiet talk with my granddaughter.
He loves giving and getting kisses.
More kisses!
He can’t help being such a cutie!!
Mr. Green was almost too big to fit into this work out shirt.
He was getting very snuggly at the end of his photo shoot.
Looks like he needed a little rest, so he went underneath the bed.
Thank you for all the inquiries about Mr. Green.
It happened very quickly and now he has a beautiful family
ready to pick him up.
He will be very busy!!!
Bella Mia Is A Proud Momma
Bella has 2 yellow boys, 2 black boys and 3 black girls.
The puppies have already grown soo much in just a few days.
They are all getting nice and fat!
In between puppies we make sure they all get to drink from Bella.
We waited several hours before things got rolling.
After that, Bella did an incredible job.
Bella checking on the first yellow boy.
Two puppies out and 5 more to go! We never know how long it will take.
Bella surprised us by starting at midnight and ending at 2:30am.
Bella is checking on her puppy.
Sally, Josie and Gemma stayed right outside the gate all night.
They are all experienced moms and wanted to be close to the action.
The Peanut Gallery is always my favorite photo.
Catching Up With Us!
Josie loves to cruise the yard.
She is usually the last one to come back inside and was watching me from one of the rock walls.
We have had several birthday parties. We always have cupcakes and lots of happy Labradors. Ida Mae turned 10 in February, Angie and Sally just turned 11 in April. They are all grandmas and are just living the life.
There is a small amount of self control but it does not last forever.
This is after dinner nap time.
Josie and Bella love this giant ottoman. The fake fur blanket manages to stay up there most of the time without falling.
Some times the bed stays good and sometimes Sally totally messes it up. Josie and all the other Labs love to lay on their backs. If I did this, I would never get up.
Jazz is the “Senior Partner” and is also a Spy sometimes. She has the respect of all the Labs. They will never steal from her dish at meal time. She is our “Comic Relief” and has seen every litter be born. Jazz loves to get in between Tina and Gemma on the dog bed.
The driveway is a great place to get some sun or wait for visitors. The electric fence keeps all of the dogs from going on the street or down the driveway too far.
Tina is enjoying that fake fur blanket this time.
We have a litter coming in June of both yellow and black puppies.
We will be breeding one of the girls in May as well.
Bella Pups Are in Their New Forever Homes
Maverick and Family
Maggie and Family
Lucille Penelope and her dad.

Lucille Penelope and her big brother.
Klaus and his Family.
Emmy and her dad.
Charlie and his mom.
Bruce and his family.
There were LOTS of Happy Faces when Bella’s pups all left March 18, 2023.
Each puppy got a nice warm bath and lots of kisses from their mom.
Bella was such a sweet mom! She was checking on each pup as they were bathed and when they were leaving. She has given them a strong foundation to build on and grow to be the BEST they can be!!!
One Yellow Girl Waiting For A Family
Ms. Turquoise found her Forever Family. Her dad is totally in love with her!
What a little lady she is!
All of Bella’s pups will be going to their new Forever Homes on March 18 when they turn 8 weeks of age.
Our grandchildren were very careful while visiting Bella and her new pups.
Bella knew they were in good hands and we were supervising very closely.
Little Ms. Pink is thinking about going down for a nap like her yellow brother, Mr. Orange.
Fieldtrip to A Family Farm!!
Are we there yet?
This is one of our families who have 3 of our Labradors.
All different ages and from different moms.
Mom said we were coming to pick up dog food.
Do you see any?
Josie is the youngest Labrador in this family.
There are 3 Labradors from A Family Farm Labradors.
Penny is keeping Josie inside the car for now.
Murphy is such a GOOD BOY!!
He is listening to his mom
and watching her every move.
Gus is the “Senior Partner” of this family.
He gets the front seat. No questions asked.
“Get down and stay in your seat.”
“I’m gonna tell mom you are being bossy.”
“Yum! I see a lot of dog food coming this way!”
Murphy thinks he can get Penny to move. She says “No way.”
Despite their excitement, everyone stayed in their car.
It was wonderful to see so many
beautiful and handsome faces today.
We love seeing how our puppies grow up!