Cooper’s Weekend

by Margaret on April 27, 2016

K and C resting

Cooper has had a few of his relatives come to visit

and he has loved every minute of it!

Khalisee is Lily's daughter

Look at that smile.

Khaleesi looks just like her Aunt Sammy Sweetheart!

Angie and Khalisee

Khaleesi and her brother Cooper had a great time

playing “catch me if you can”.

Angie is watching the blur of white zip past her.

Khalisee ready to play

Khaleesi is ready to pounce!

Cooper moves in for the hug

Cooper is giving Khaleesi’s mom some love.

Cooper likes her hairMmmmmm, your hair smells good!


Cooper has possession of the bone and Khaleesi is waiting for just the right moment. Their mom is Lily and their dad is Big Al.

Brodie stays close to his mom

Brodie came on the same day. Check our FB page

and see how quietly and gently Cooper and Brodie wrestled together.

Brodie’s mom is Angie. He was born December 21, 2015.

Brodie profile aa

Brodie is growing quickly! Look at that gorgeous, shiny coat!

Brodie and Jazz wrestle

Brodie remembered our Pug, Jazz. She used to be one of his babysitters.

Brodie sits next to Mike before he goes home.

Brodie sat next to Mike before he had to go home.

We know we will be seeing him again. Cooper can’t wait!!!





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